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New Hampshire Science and Engineering Exposition (NHSEE)

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AbOUt the Scientific review committee (SRC)

The Scientific Review Committee (SRC) is a group of qualified individuals that is responsible for evaluation of student research, certifications, research plans and exhibits for compliance with the rules, applicable laws, and regulations at each level of science fair competition. The Expo follows the International Rules for Pre-College Science Research, published by the Society for Science and used by the Regeneron ISEF. As an affiliated fair of ISEF, we ensure that the Expo complies as best we can with these international rules.

The Society for Science guidebook, rules, and resources can be found here: Please be sure to refer to the ISEF Rules and Guidelines for more detail. 

Please reach out to the with questions.


Per the ISEF rules:It is the responsibility of the student and the Adult Sponsor to evaluate the study to determine which forms are required and whether approval by a committee must be obtained prior to experimentation.”

  • The Expo requires that several forms be filled out and submitted in accordance with the ISEF rules. All files, forms, and documents are submitted using STEM Wizard and following the milestones therein. Emailed documents are not accepted.
  • If your project involves vertebrate animals and/or potentially hazardous biological agents,it MUST be reviewed and pre-approved by the NHSEE SRC BEFORE experimentation. If your project requires this pre-approval, you may submit your forms at any time, up until the due date in early December as posted in the milestones in STEM Wizard.
  • If your project involves human participants, you must have an Institutional Review Board (IRB) at your school or research institute approve your project and sign off on Form 4 BEFORE experimentation starts.
  • Most high schools are not BSL-2 certified, and therefore you are not allowed to conduct research with any BSL-2 organisms. If you are not sure whether your project involves BSL-2 organisms or if your school/research facility is certified, please contact the SRC.
  • All projects are required to submit a certain set of forms. Projects requiring the pre-approvals mentioned above are required to submit additional forms.
  • Please review all posted information in STEM Wizard and plan to submit required forms before the posted due dates per the milestones. Missing due dates will disqualify the project from participating in the Expo.
  • Please review the video on tips for completing the NHSEE files/forms/documents located in this guide and in this YouTube video.


  • Dates are inconsistent on forms. Most forms must be signed before experimentation starts. Experimentation start is when you start collecting data on your project. This does not include the planning or literature review needed for project planning.
  • The project title is not consistent on all forms and in STEM Wizard.
  • Forms are illegible.
  • Signatures are invalid. Forms must either be physically signed with ink and then scanned OR signed electronically.
  • Use of school names, and product names/logos in the research and the poster.

Please reach out to the with questions.

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